Northwest Vision Academy: Phone 614-595-7540
Common Vision Problems
Signs of vision problems
Difficulty with school work/reading/computer use
Poor classroom performance/difficulty staying focused
Blurred vision; fluctuating vision
Skipping lines/words when reading; using fingers to read; losing place when reading
Double vision
Eye strain
Eye turn/crossed eye/lazy eye
Poor hand/eye coordination
Squinting/tilting head
History of head injury/concussion
Eye teaming/coordination
Eye alignment makes performing near work (reading, computer, school work, etc.) difficult since the eyes cannot work well together as a team. May cause eye strain, double vision, headaches, difficulty with reading/schoolwork, difficulty keeping place, or skipping lines when reading.
Eye focusing difficulty
Inability of the eyes to maintain focus or inability of the focusing system to relax. May cause blurred vision when switching from near to distance or from distance to near, ‘ghosting’ of vision, eye strain, headaches, difficulty with reading/schoolwork, difficulty keeping place, or skipping lines when reading.
Eye Tracking/Oculomotor
Difficulty tracking/scanning across a page with both eyes as a team. May cause difficulty with reading/schoolwork, difficulty keeping place, skipping lines when reading, or poor sports performance.
Post-concussion/Traumatic Brain Injury
May cause eye teaming, eye focusing, eye tracking difficulties as well as depth misperception, photosensitivity, dizziness, sensory over-stimulation, motion/sound sensitivity, side vision loss
Sports Vision
Improving the ability of the eyes to work as a team together can boost sports performance by improving depth perception, stability of vision, and reaction time.